

Cashmere Pharmacy   |   Christchurch South Pharmacy   |   Hardings Chemist & Post (MOVED) 

Hardings Chemists (2003) Ltd

Flu Vaccine

Funded Flu Vaccination Eligibility
Booking Date (New Zealand Time)
Booking Time

Book your appointment for an Influenza Vaccine

Influenza is a serious viral infection that causes the death of many New Zealanders each year. Vaccination against seasonal influenza is available each year. Those most at risk of serious health complications from the flu are eligible for a free flu vaccine.

It is also important to get vaccinated if you are regularly around children, older people and pregnant women. Getting immunised against the flu also significantly reduces days off work and the number of doctors' visits each year.


The flu vaccine is free for the following people:

  • pregnant women (any trimester)

  • people aged 65 years and over

  • Māori and Pacific peoples aged 55 to 64 years (Removed by Ministry of Health/TWO for the 2024 flu season)

  • people under 65 years of age with with certain chronic conditions, such as chronic heart disease, chronic liver disease, diabetes, cancer, asthma and COPD. See the full list here.

  • children aged 4 years or under who have been in hospital for respiratory illness or have a history of significant respiratory illness, including children aged 6–59 months (under 5 years) who were hospitalised with measles. Please note, we DO NOT do paediatric (12yrs and under) flu vaccines at the Cashmere Pharmacy Clinic. If you require a paediatric vaccine (12 years and under), we will be happy to accomodate these at Hardings Chemist & Post (aka Beckenham Pharmacy, 135 Colombo Street), which is more set up for children - please record a 'note' when making the booking and we will make this happen. 

Have another question before you book? Refer to our Frequently Asked Questions.

PLEASE NOTE: Default Appointment address is CASHMERE PHARMACY @ 91 Centaurus Road, Cashmere, Christchurch. If you wish the appointment to be with our other fantastic teams at Hardings Chemist & Post (Beckenham Pharmacy) or Christchurch South Pharmacy this is fine too, just let us know when booking and we'll make it happen. Paediatric Flu vaccines (12 years and under), will need to be done at our Hardings Chemist & Post (Beckenham Pharmacy) clinic as per above.

To book, select a day and time that suits you and proceed to the cart to secure your appointment.


Cashmere & ChCh Sth Pharmacies & Hardings Chemist

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